
can i get dressed...


no i cannot.

oh dears.

let me tell you the story...

it's thursday, the last day of term because our school is nice and lets us finish a whole day early, and i think we are in geography. i take off my blazer because it was probably 10 degrees in the classroom but i think i could be a penguin because i like the cold. lizzi goes "hannah your shirt is undone" and i go "it is to". then tamlyn and lizzi insist i do it up. i was stubborn and just put my blazer on again.

it was okay though because my top button was done up so my tie looked fine and then my tie covered the rest of the buttons not done up. i also wore my blazer so you couldn't see that they weren't done up.

my next clothing fail was when i got ready for dancing. about to put my tights on, i have my undies on inside-out. i was to lazy to do anything about it :)

at dancing, about half way through my bun net breaks, then my pony tail keeps falling out :l

then i went to put on my pointe shoes and forgot to roll down my tights (because i have ones with holes in the soles so you can do that) until after i had done up my pointe shoe.

thus - i fail at getting dressed



just like yesterday...

This time last week I had a curriculum day which I spent at my primary school. I loved it so very muchly. I got to coach, score, time, eat, mark, sort, write, be a receptionists "apprentice" and I loved every second of it :)

I woke up at 7am on a day which I could have slept in. I felt as if I would almost regret making this decision. I didn't. I put on my favourite clothes, white t-shirt, black skinny leg jeans and my grey old lady shop hat. I also put on mum's pinky/red top so I didn't get cold. Then I had dessert for breakfast, my favourite. Then off I went.

I started my day with scoring, timing and doing a tiny bit of coaching for the netball team as it was interschool sports day. Our team won 16 to 18 :)

I then went into the classroom of someone I had never met. A lot of the teachers have left the school since I was there three years ago. The teacher was nice but I have forgotten his name.

Mrs.H came and found me once her team had come back on the buses and I spent some time hanging some Ned Kelly projects around the room. I got to stand on the tables to do so :D

I got to have recess in the staff room which was a bit weird, but nice. I drew Mr A. (the principal) out of the staff raffle that they have each week. He was pretty happy with that, I'd love to say the same for the other teachers.

After recess I marked a couple of math bits and bobs then got to cut out some camp photos. The 5/6's had gone to Beechworth to learn about the gold rush. I remember that camp, there was a bee's nest outside or window and the pie I had from the bakery was delicious. That's just about all I can remember but it was still a nice camp.

The rest of the day involved me making over 200 disco tickets and me sorting out sausage sizzle notes. I also had to take some photos off a display board with a "staple-puller-outer-a". I got hit in the face twice by flying staples.

That night my mother rang up my best friend to see how her mother was, she is an integration aid at the school and wasn't there because she had bronchitis or something of the sort. I ended up talking to my friend Shai for about an hour. It made me all smiley. Thinking about it now makes me all smiley.

Smiley, smiley me :D


mosquito letters and friday

I have finally got around to writing this *happy dance*. I cannot believe I have procrastinated over something I started while procrastinating. The little hamster running on the wheel that powers my brain must have got tired of running one way and started going in reverse. But that's not what I was going to say. I lose my concentration so very easi... LOOK! SHINY RED BALL :D


On Wednesday my homeroom teacher came into the classroom very happy, telling us she had been left a note on her car. She was very happy about it and started telling us about how a small act of kindness can make someone's day. Somebody asked her who she though had written her the note as it didn't have a name on it; she thought it was one of her year 11's. Then the boys started suggesting that it was a stalker/pedophile. Then, out of the blue, Tim said "Maybe a very smart mosquito wrote the letter?” Everyone laughed, everyone except the teacher. It was as if she would be upset that a "very smart mosquito" had written the note. I was just surprised. I'm sure most people would love a note from a very smart mosquito, but I could be wrong.

Tim, this week, also managed to squirt the fire extinguisher for a total time of one second and cover the room with a fine powder. Luckily no one came to dismiss us that afternoon. The window also managed to get jammed open while we were trying to air out the room. Quite entertaining!

Friday (other than the math and science tests) was quite nice. I sport, which I usually loathe, but we were playing netball and I actually touched the ball! Lunch meant choir, where we discussed with Mr. Balint-Smith his ideas on a 16 part arrangement of "Silent night". I am a little hesitant about singing Christmas carols, let alone starting them in May. After school had finished I spent about five minutes "smooshing" Lizzi's face. Funny if you have any idea what that is :D

Oh dears! That was quite boring for you to read, wasn't it? I apologize.